The project aims to provide a solution for the elderly to lead a happier life. Our team has developed a concept for a travel website so that seniors can find accommodation for them and other seniors who are also looking for travel.
我在团队中扮演设计师的角色,并使用 CorelDraw 和 Abode Indesign 软件设计了传单,徽标和用户旅程地图。我想增强我们旅行网站的品牌形象,并使其易于阅读和识别。最后,我们的目标群体对我们的概念非常满意,并对我们提供的产品和服务感兴趣。下图是该项目的最终设计。
I played the role of a designer in the team and used CorelDraw and Abode Indesign softwares to design flyers, logos and user journey maps. I want to enhance the brand image of our travel website and make it easy to read and recognize. Finally, our target group is very satisfied with our concept and is interested in the products and services we provide. The picture below is the final design of the project.
Project LOGO design:
Project brochure design:
Project poster design: